By Neeti Paul Sethi

In the story of your life, the only voice that matters, is yours. Others may have better ideas, more experience, wisdom, and clarity. But there’s just one little thing missing. They are not you. The only one allowed to call the shots in someone’s life, has to be the one living it.

I know there is always the added pressure of wanting to take the right decision, and not being judged and criticized. The truth is what others think of you is inconsequential compared to what you think of yourself. We waste so much time and energy worrying about the opinion of others, wanting to be liked, needing to please. But personal mastery is about rising above social approval and striving for something even better – self approval. 

Perception changes faster than you can even process it. So why not stay firm and hold on to your personality, your true authentic self, and let others come around to either accept you or vanish forever. It’s a win-win if you ask me. 

By embracing your authenticity, holding on to your values, and pursuing your passions, you are respecting yourself. Your self-perception eventually sets the tone for how others perceive you.

If you approve of the person you see in the mirror every day, then not being liked by a few of them might actually be a compliment. If everyone loves you, you are quite likely not prioritizing yourself. Don’t strive to be liked, but to inspire. Aim to set examples for those who look up to you. Even if it’s about something as minor as saying no or standing up for yourself in an argument. 

You have probably lived your whole life up till now avoiding conflicts, I know I have. But once I discovered the beauty of confrontation, its role in effective communication, and its contribution in raising your self-worth, I don’t quite hate conflict as much. It’s just a means to facilitate diving in the depths of your own thoughts. I personally believe that a relationship devoid of conflict is superficial. Unless you have had uncomfortable conversations, and moved past them, you have deprived yourself of the opportunity to deepen your bond.

Indeed, the journey to self-approval is liberating. It frees you from the shackles of societal validation, allowing you to chart your own course without fear of judgment. As you grow comfortable in your skin, you’ll find that the opinions of others hold less sway over your happiness and fulfillment. 

So, be opinionated, don’t be afraid to speak your mind, and be unapologetically yourself. Prioritize self-respect over fleeting approval. In doing so, you’ll not only inspire those around you but also cultivate a sense of empowerment that transcends external validation. Remember, in a world full of opinions, yours is the only one that truly matters. 

The Light at the End of the tunnel

By Neeti Paul Sethi

The biggest dilemma faced by most people is whether their situation requires them to wait patiently on their current path or to find another way?

What we know for sure is that we must do everything in our power to make our situation better, even while we wait for the circumstances to become favorable. To reach the end of the tunnel, we need to move forward. If we keep sitting and waiting, we will never find the light. To chase it we need to move in a direction, any direction. Sometimes, we pick several wrong directions before finding the right one.

Challenges and obstacles in life can make us feel like we’re trapped in a dark tunnel with no way out. These difficult times can be overwhelming, leaving us questioning whether there’s any hope or if the light we see ahead is just an illusion. However, it’s important to remember that the light at the end of the tunnel is not an illusion; it’s a beacon of hope, progress, and opportunity.

Think about a student preparing for a tough exam. They spend countless hours studying, feeling like they’re lost in a labyrinth of information. But as the exam date approaches, they start to see the light at the end of the tunnel. It’s the realization that their hard work is paying off, and success is within reach.

Or consider a person going through a difficult breakup. Initially, the pain and heartache can feel suffocating, like a never-ending tunnel of despair. However, with time and healing, they begin to see the light of new possibilities. They might find personal growth, new relationships, or rediscover their own happiness.

Even in the face of global challenges, like the COVID-19 pandemic, after a dark phase that felt never-ending, people could eventually see the end of the tunnel approaching. Healthcare professionals and many others worked tirelessly, and communities came together to support each other. This collective effort demonstrated that even in the darkest of times, there is a way forward, and the light is real.

So, we know that the light at the end of the tunnel is not an illusion. But we have got to hold on to a positive mindset, with a dash of resilience and determination. We must persevere through difficult times, knowing that our efforts will eventually lead us to brighter days.

What if the tunnel itself is imaginary?

Think about a person stuck in a dead-end job that drains their energy and passion. Day in and day out, they go to work, feeling like they’re in a never-ending tunnel of monotony. They might believe that their only option is to stay put, but in reality, they might be missing opportunities for personal and professional growth. The tunnel they perceive might be an illusion created by fear or complacency, and the light represents the possibility of a more fulfilling career path.

Similarly, in personal relationships, someone might find themselves in a toxic or unfulfilling partnership. They could feel trapped, believing there’s no way out, and the tunnel of despair seems never-ending. However, with self-reflection and courage, they might realize that the tunnel of unhappiness was an illusion that prevented them from pursuing healthier and happier connections. The light signifies the potential for genuine love and companionship.

In the broader context, societal limitations and prejudices can also create the illusion of an inescapable tunnel. People facing discrimination or systemic barriers might believe that their circumstances are unchangeable. However, history has shown us that collective efforts can break down these illusory tunnels, paving the way for equality and justice.

So, while it’s essential to acknowledge that the light at the end of the tunnel is often real and attainable, we must also be aware that sometimes the tunnel itself is a construct of our perceptions and limitations. By challenging these illusions and embracing change and growth, we can navigate toward the light and create a brighter future for ourselves and our communities. In doing so, we prove that, indeed, the light is not just a mirage but a tangible destination worth pursuing.

Connect with your Divinity via ‘The Threefold Flame’

By Neeti Paul Sethi

In the realm of spiritual symbolism, the Threefold Flame holds a special place, representing the core aspects of our spiritual being i.e. Divine Love. Divine Wisdom. Divine Power. We will explore the significance of the Threefold Flame, and learn how to enhance the core qualities it represents, through simple techniques such as meditation and chanting.

Understanding the Threefold Flame

The Threefold Flame is a symbolic representation of three essential qualities that exist in every individual’s soul.

Blue represents the divine power within us. It signifies our will, strength, and determination to take action in our lives. It’s the driving force behind our ambitions and the catalyst for positive change.

Pink symbolizes divine love. This is not just romantic love but unconditional love that encompasses compassion, empathy, and forgiveness. It’s a reminder of our interconnectedness with all beings.

Yellow/Golden stands for divine wisdom. It represents our intellectual and spiritual understanding, as well as our ability to discern the truth and make wise decisions.

The Threefold Flame is also known to represent the Trinity – Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva; and may be recognized as a divine spark residing in the heart. It is depicted as three interwoven plumes of pink, golden/yellow, and blue; creating a vibrant and balanced inner fire. When these aspects are in harmony, it leads to personal and spiritual growth.

Significance of the Threefold Flame

The Threefold Flame carries profound significance in spiritual and esoteric traditions. While its value may not be fully comprehended, here are a few known benefits of connecting with it.

Balance and Harmony: The harmonious interplay of power, love, and wisdom within us brings balance to our lives. It helps us navigate challenges with poise and grace.

Spiritual Evolution: Nurturing and expanding the Threefold Flame within our being can accelerate our spiritual growth. As these qualities develop, we become more aligned with our higher selves and our divine purpose.

Unity and Connection: The Threefold Flame reminds us of our interconnectedness with the divine source, and thus with all living beings. It encourages empathy and compassion, fostering a sense of unity and oneness.

How to Meditate on the Threefold Flame

Meditating on the Threefold Flame is a powerful practice to connect with and enhance these core qualities within yourself. Here’s a simple meditation technique to get you started:

1. Find a Quiet Space: Choose a peaceful, quiet space where you won’t be disturbed.

2. Sit Comfortably: Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths to relax.

3. Visualize the Flame: In your mind’s eye, imagine a small, radiant flame at the center of your heart. See it as a combination of blue, pink, and yellow plumes, each flickering gently.

4. Focus on Each Aspect: Concentrate on each aspect of the flame one at a time. Begin with the blue flame, feeling its power and strength. Then move to the pink flame, sensing its warmth and love. Finally, contemplate the yellow flame, embracing its wisdom and clarity.

5. Balance and Harmonize: As you continue to meditate, visualize the three colours merging and balancing one another. Feel their energies blending harmoniously at your heart center.

6. Affirmations: While meditating, you can also repeat affirmations related to power, love, and wisdom. For example, “I am filled with divine power,” “I radiate unconditional love,” and “I am guided by divine wisdom.”

7. Gratitude: Express gratitude for the presence of the Threefold Flame within you and for the growth and balance it brings to your life.

8. Closing: When you’re ready, slowly open your eyes and return to the present moment, carrying the harmonious energy of the Threefold Flame with you.

An additional way to imbibe its divine qualities is through chanting ‘Om Mani Padme Hum‘. This is a well-known mantra in Tibetan and Buddhist practice, and translates to ‘The Jewel in the Lotus’. It helps invoke the compassionate energy of Mother Quan Yin.

Divine Mother Quan Yin is considered the guardian of the Threefold Flame. She is revered as a symbol of compassion, mercy, and unconditional love, which aligns with the qualities represented by the Threefold Flame – love, wisdom, and power. This belief adds depth to the understanding of the Threefold Flame and its connection to spiritual guidance and nurturing.

The Threefold Flame is a powerful symbol of our spiritual essence. By understanding its significance and regularly meditating on it, you can nurture and amplify the qualities of divine power, love, and wisdom within yourself. This practice can lead to a more balanced, harmonious, and spiritually fulfilling life, bringing you closer to your divinity.

Understanding Your Personality for a Balanced Life

By Neeti Paul Sethi

The intelligence level in people varies, but judging someone’s personality is a complex task. Someone who may have appeared stupid to you at first, could surprise you with a depth that is hard to find in others; or an introvert may actually be great at cultivating meaningful relationships. A person who can grasp complex information easily may struggle to empathize with others or fail to cope with stress.

There are several factors contributing to a person’s personality, and intelligence is just one of them. In fact, there are many types of intelligence, each of which play a different role in shaping who you are and how you interact with the world around you.

The commonly known quotients that are used to describe different aspects of intelligence are:

Intelligence Quotient (IQ): This is the most well-known measure of intelligence, and it assesses our cognitive abilities such as reasoning, problem-solving, and processing speed.

Emotional Quotient (EQ): This measures our emotional intelligence, which includes our ability to understand and manage our own emotions, as well as our ability to recognize and respond to the emotions of others.

Social Quotient (SQ): This measures our social intelligence, which includes our ability to navigate complex social situations, communicate effectively with others, and build positive relationships.

Physical Quotient (PQ): This measures our physical intelligence, which includes our ability to control our body, coordinate our movements, and engage in physical activities.

Creative Quotient (CQ): This measures our creativity and ability to come up with new ideas, solutions, and perspectives.

There was a simpler time when I only knew about Intelligence and Emotional Quotient. Now there is the Creativity, Physical, and Social quotient. Some people also talk about Spiritual and Adversity Quotient. Spiritual intelligence indicates our self-awareness, peace of mind, and contentment level; while the Adversity quotient assesses our ability to deal with the adversities of life and the challenges thrown at us on a daily basis.

While IQ is often seen as the most important of these quotients, it’s important to recognize that all of them play a role in shaping who we are as individuals. For example, a high IQ may be useful for problem-solving and critical thinking, but without strong emotional intelligence, a person may struggle to manage stress, build positive relationships, and communicate effectively with others.

So how can we achieve a balance of all these quotients to become well-rounded individuals? The key is to recognise that each of these quotients are important and we can work on developing them all in a balanced way. This may involve engaging in activities that challenge us intellectually, emotionally, socially, physically, and creatively. Here are a few ideas to get you started.

Read or listen to complex material to stimulate your intellectual ability.

Practice mindfulness meditation, and yoga to cultivate your emotional and spiritual intelligence.

Volunteer in your community to develop social intelligence.

Engage in regular exercise or take up a sport to improve your physical intelligence.

Explore new hobbies and creative outlets to enhance your creativity.

The goal is not to achieve perfection in every area but to cultivate a well-rounded set of skills and interests that allow you to live a fulfilling life and contribute positively to the world around you. By recognizing the importance of all these quotients, and actively working towards developing them, you are be able to live up to your true potential.

Stop chasing unicorns

By Neeti Paul Sethi

When my people go through a tough phase in their life, especially regarding relationships, I rarely offer advice. I do try to hold space, to facilitate the processing of their emotions.

But I try my best not to judge either of the people involved.

I try to listen. I try to make sure they feel heard and understood. I want them to know I’m not going anywhere. I’m settled in for the ride, feeling and healing along with them.

Whether it’s a conflict with friends, spouses, exes, parents, or anyone else, no one can ever claim to have a 360-degree view on the matter.

I think relationships are just too nuanced for any of us to truly know someone else’s. No one knows the dynamics of a relationship except the people who are in it. And even those two people know it from only their point of view.

If you’re going through something, I’m afraid I might not have answers. But if I have to give one piece of advice, I will say this…

Stop chasing unicorns!

To chase unicorns is to spend your time dreaming about a fairy tale ending, at the expense of something beautiful already existent in your life.

To chase unicorns is to miss out on precious moments, because you’re always looking back at, or forward to some version of you that doesn’t exist anymore.

To chase unicorns is to keep wishing and hoping to the point that it becomes unhealthy, to expect a person to change even when they don’t want to.

To chase unicorns is to keep pursuing a deeper bond with someone who doesn’t want it.

It’s not unnatural to hope. We all dream about the miraculous transformation of someone we love at some point. Hoping they would become exactly what we want them to be. But the problem is, it’s them who should want these things!

We live in a world of free will. We cannot manifest from both ends. Our control is only on what we can do or be. Trying to control what others turn out to be is absolutely foolish, if not insane.

However, we often do hold some influence and we can do everything in our capacity to use it positively. But if there is no acceptance or reciprocation, it might be a lost cause. We need to realize when to give up and accept that it’s not our problem anymore. Our forced sense of responsibility towards someone might just push them away. It’s better to pay attention to our prime responsibility which is toward ourselves.

I may not know what you should do,

but I do know what you deserve.

You deserve more than a life of chasing unicorns.

You deserve to be loved and valued.

You deserve to have a voice in your relationships.

You deserve to be let in.

You deserve vulnerability and connection.

You deserve to be seen for the person you are…the authentic, incredible you, not the one you are pretending to be because you think it’s a more acceptable version.

You deserve to know you’re wanted and supported and that you don’t have to face the world alone.

You deserve to have the people you love stay curious about you, have faith in you, and stick around through every change and every season.

These are some of the things I believe you deserve, we all deserve!

And, if you believe it too, you’re going to be just fine.

Do You Really Believe in Love at First Sight?

By Neeti Paul Sethi

Have you ever met someone and instantly hit it off with them, or felt like you have known them forever?

On the other hand, how often have you felt repulsed by someone or experienced unexplained anger towards them?

Apart from genuinely liking or disliking the person, there can be more to this. Sometimes we instantly know whether or not we like them. That’s our gut guiding us, acting as our second brain. But this article is not about following the gut to choose the right people (or maybe it is). It’s about understanding why we feel drawn to certain people and draw a blank with others.

There might be several reasons to explain our response to certain people but I am not about to list them. Instead, I am here to share my theory as someone who loves to delve, dream, and attempt to look beyond the normal vision.

Imagine growing up with your best friend next door. But you weren’t best friends on day one, were you? Over the years you did everything together and developed a connection that is hard to replicate. There’s familiarity, comfort, and trust. Eventually, your paths separate and you aren’t in touch as much as you were. Now, you go out and try to make new friends but your benchmark remains your best friend. How’s that fair? You are not even giving anybody a chance, even yourself, to see if there is anyone else better suited for you or good enough to be an addition to your circle. People can’t be the same. Just because you liked one version doesn’t mean you will hate the other. Just because you are habitual in seeking the comfort you find in your best friend and feel that no one will understand you the way they do, doesn’t mean no one has the potential to. Either you do not like the other person for a specific reason or you haven’t spent enough time knowing them and are chasing an impossible benchmark of developing an instant connection. You may think that you are doing yourself a favor by setting impossible standards to be your friend. But you refuse to see what’s out there before deciding what’s best for you? All your friends need not be the best, at least not on day one.

Now, when your childhood best friend returns to the picture, you instantly pick up from where you left.  Not because you have an instant connection, but because you have history. For all you know, you may have outgrown each other and have different interests now. But familiarity and comfort may prevent you from seeing that.

Some souls connect instantly because they have had previous interactions, in this life or another lifetime. Yes, I believe in past lives and I believe that soul groups reincarnate together. This means you do not just have a soul mate but an entire group of souls with tied karma. I don’t think anyone just connects randomly. They have most likely invested in the relationship in the past. That’s why new relationships may feel different as a person may not feel instantly connected or understood because they are yet to spend that much time and energy on each other. It doesn’t mean you are incapable of connecting deeply with someone if you haven’t bonded immediately. It just means that your souls are literally interacting for the first time and haven’t recognized each other from the past and it’s okay. You don’t need to ‘click’ instantly with everyone. You need to build new connections as much as you need to revive old ones. I personally find new connections so refreshing. They usually come without baggage or unaddressed karma.  

As long as you don’t feel uncomfortable or repulsed by someone’s energy, you can work on building a connection. If you do not find their energy uplifting and nurturing, and feel that it’s draining you instead, you have every reason to get rid of them.

But sometimes it’s not your choice, you are meant to connect with them, even if they are not good for your energy for a while. You are either meant to help them with your soothing presence or finish some left-over karma with that soul.

I have felt resentment toward certain people that I am sure surfaced from one of my previous lives. Trust me it happens; souls hold onto grudges. If given a chance, you should let go of any emotions that surface, and try to forgive and be forgiven. Some people are just plain toxic in every lifetime and you may be better off getting rid of them. If you are an energy worker, you will learn to assess the energy surrounding a person and how to protect your own. Personally, I think everyone is an energy worker, they just haven’t tapped into their potential yet.

Just because you instantly feel that ‘connection’ with someone, do not feel obligated to believe they are the ones. I am not saying they can’t be, but do not just blindly believe that. Every relationship is flawed and you will get to that point sooner or later. Just remember that even if you found each other, you still need to put in the work to sustain it.

I apologize if you were hoping for a cheesy outcome or sappy revelations, but I am more practical than romantic. My objective is to identify, not to grow attached. Yes, I believe in instant connections but they are not necessarily ‘magical’. Yes, I believe in soul mates but not in the idea of them being the best or the only one for us. But most of all, I refuse to believe that recognition is the key to forming a real connection. Just because your soul recognizes another soul from ‘before’ does not put a stamp on your connection being real. It just gives you a head start. Now is the time to put that mind and gut to good use and ensure that you are making the right choice.

Now tell me, do you really believe in love at first sight?

Noone can be positive 24x7x365

By Neeti Paul Sethi

Let’s face it, no one can be positive 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year; and that’s absolutely okay…

The law of nature doesn’t support constant thriving. Every season has a purpose. Sowing the seeds, growing, harvesting, withering, and then the process is repeated all over again. 

Similarly, no one has the mental capacity to be cheerful all day long and on all days. We all have our individual graphs that can go up and down or remain static for days. No matter how much effort we pour into our days to be in a high life state and elevated vibration, there will be challenges and moments when we would be drained and overwhelmed. The day ends eventually and there is time allocated for us to rest, recharge, and renew. However, we often disregard it and keep exploiting our bodies and just refuse to rest, and that can seem okay for a while but when it becomes a routine it starts affecting us.

As per the universal law, every inhale is balanced with an exhale. This is because we need to give and receive in equal measure. Try holding your breath longer, and you will start feeling uneasy because the balance will be disturbed. When nature and its laws are so simple, why do we complicate our lives by defying them?

We know we need rest, yet we challenge the law by staying awake till late at night or at times all night. We know that every action has an equal and opposite reaction, yet we continue to ignore our body’s needs, and eventually, our body starts ignoring us. 

Everything that we are experiencing is because of the seeds sown by us. Then why are we so surprised and upset when all this catches up with us?

Let’s come back to why no one can stay positive at all times. That’s because there is a process and timeline for everything. Even the moon transitions and undergoes different phases over several days. Even the sun goes down every evening. So how can we aspire to be constantly at our best without giving ourselves ample time to process, release, heal, and energize.

Instead of fighting the phase we are in, it’s ideal to embrace it and adapt. The idea is to be aware of what we are going through and deal with it to the best of our ability. However, we must be mindful of the possibility that our best effort may vary from someone else’s. No comparison is necessary here. We all are at different levels and have different lessons to partake in. No two experiences will ever be the same so it’s unfair to look up to anyone or look down upon anyone. 

I have been into spiritual practices and energy healing for over 15 years and yet I experience mood swings with the different phases of the moon, wherein during the full moon I often release suppressed emotions or pain that needs attention and healing.

As long as we are alive, the process of growing and healing will continue and the graph will go up and down. Our happiness quotient will waver occasionally, and so will our ability to be loving and kind. One day we may feel like adopting a pet and another day we may wish to be left all alone. All these fluctuations are normal and necessary.

While we cannot control our mood, emotions, and thoughts, we can certainly limit their influence on our life. By consciously focusing on positive and uplifting thoughts, we can ensure that majority of our emotions are high vibrational. It is possible to influence our circumstances by the energy we bring to any situation. Our energy is generated by the quality of our thoughts. Our thoughts are mostly a product of the content we consume and the company we keep, along with our conditioning and belief system. The more we work on improving the quality of our thoughts, the more easily we can transform our life conditions.

Learning to exist in a high vibrational state is neither impossible nor a one-time thing. Experiencing this bliss once doesn’t guarantee that we will continue to live in this joyful state. A lot of consistency in efforts is required to maintain consistency in one’s state of mind and stability in emotions. Until this consistency is achieved, we often struggle to maintain a positive outlook, but it’s all a part of the process so we should not beat ourselves up over it.

As long as we are a little better than we were yesterday, we have every reason to be proud and optimistic. As long as we have a life force within us, we have hope.

Once we have learned to be present, and be more aware, we start living consciously. It doesn’t matter where in our journey we stand. What matters is to be fully present for each experience. Acknowledging the small things, taking responsibility, and accepting what is.

When we accept things as they are, without trying to mask or justify them, we truly understand human nature. Every emotion negative or positive is real. As long as we stay committed to being authentic, and not being dishonest to ourselves, we are taking responsibility. By taking responsibility we know exactly where we stand. When we know exactly where we stand, we know how far we need to go. It just makes the calculation much simpler without complicating our life. 

Let’s vow to at least be honest to ourselves. As long as we are truly acknowledging our thoughts and feelings, we will be able to suitably address them. Acknowledging is the first step, addressing comes next. The rest of the journey follows from here or rather flows if we let it.

The journey to self never stops,

though it could entail a few hops.

Stop judging your vehicle or its pace,

just live happily in the current phase.

When you find that keeping faith is tough,

just go with the flow and that’s enough.

Nursing your hurt heart

By Neeti Paul Sethi

Let me contradict myself in the first line itself by saying that it’s usually not the heart that’s hurt, but the ego. Humans are a sensitive lot, and that’s how it’s meant to be. So there should be no shame around feeling vulnerable, humiliated, or hurt. It is normal to be upset about being mistreated. Instead of suppressing the feeling of hurt you should acknowledge it and give it some space. Being open about how it makes you feel allows you to deal with it sooner rather than later. 

People often care too much about their image and reputation. More than their self-esteem and sense of self-worth even. Every time you allow someone to treat you unfairly, harshly, or simply ignore your existence, you are allowing them to determine your value. If you are not able to establish boundaries around what’s acceptable to you, how can you blame others for overstepping? By not taking a stand you are being a party to the injustice. You need to respect yourself before you expect others to do so. When you respect and value yourself, you start making choices that resonate with you and seem worthy of your time, instead of the ones that are just good for your image. 

Another habit that’s very addictive is getting into victim consciousness. Believing that you are the innocent victim in all scenarios and the world is constantly conspiring against you. Always finding the perfect logic to prove your righteousness, and firmly believing that you can make no mistake. You prefer to wait like a damsel to be saved from your distress because you are too helpless to influence the situation on your own. If this sounds like you, yes you do need to be saved but from your own ideologies.

Hoping for a savior to do all your dirty work is like asking a colleague to finish your work and still taking home the entire salary. What’s in it for them? Someone can be there for you once, twice, but not always. Neither is it fair of you to expect someone to stop living and fighting for themselves and be at your constant beck and call. 

It’s up to you to be your own savior and to take charge and direct the course of every situation. Your desire to come across as a good person should not be at the cost of your mental peace. Instead of caring about looking good to others, you should make choices that make you feel good. You should be willing to accept judgment if you get to determine your fate. You can handle criticism if you get to have the final say. You should be kind, considerate, and generous to people. But, you can reserve the right to be indifferent to those who don’t deserve your attention and energy, or who have hurt you in any way. Especially the ones who will not care about you being nice, and continue being mean, selfish, and ungrateful. Some people are beyond help, and you cannot transform them with kindness or unconditional love. So save your energy for the ones who truly deserve it, and start with your own self. 

Don’t get me wrong, it’s nice to set a good example and be the light bearer for change and all of those fancy ideologies. But it may not be applicable in every situation. You need to be present enough to determine which scenario requires which version of you and what best role you can play at any given point. Being forgiving and considerate at all times may not serve any purpose. You are allowed multiple personalities and you can still be a very special combination of all these versions that have potential, yet stay hidden within, waiting for the right time to pop up.

So, back to where we started. Nursing your hurt (heart or ego) requires a very strong and active support system that you must build around yourself. Being surrounded by a grounded, patient, and wise group instills in you the patience, resilience, and strength to find the right answers and use the correct methods. Whereas, being around youthful, courageous, and goal-oriented people keeps your zeal, will, and effort in motion. The intellectuals keep you stimulated and the artists keep you entertained and remind you to have fun and be creative. The spiritual or religious company you keep ensures that you are mentally and emotionally stable and capable of handling the pressures of life, and the fitness enthusiasts keep you healthy, active, and physically strong. The aspects of your personality, and the relationships you nurture, are interdependent. So, the company you keep is extremely vital in shaping your character and personality. People tend to be strongly influenced by the conversations they engage in, and the content they consume. You must choose your company wisely and over time nurture your interactions and relationships to build a positive support system that works both ways.

Your support system includes the people who are a positive influence in your life and the activities that nurture your soul.

This support system need not be just inclusive of people. It can include various activities such as reading, writing, gardening, traveling, singing, dancing, painting, praying, meditating, and whatnot. Your hobbies and passion constitute a big part of your support system. In fact, they are the soul of your support system, and the people you interact with while pursuing these might be your soul group. 

It is naive to think that you can find all of the qualities you need in a companion in just one person. You cannot burden one relationship with multiple expectations. Everyone has different qualities and roles to play in your life and you should learn to value them for what they bring to the table, rather than getting disappointed by what they lack. Having a varied set of people in your life and nurturing different aspects of your personality is extremely helpful when one of the aspects is undergoing a downfall. The other aspects of your life and routine are like pillars that ensure that you don’t fall apart when one of them is not going well. For instance, if you are facing problems in your romantic relationship, you can maintain a balance by having a great social life. If your social life has taken a back seat, your family time can keep you going. When you are not doing so well at work, your hobbies and passion can still keep you uplifted and busy, ensuring that you don’t sink into depression or bouts of unworthiness. When nothing seems to work, you have your spiritual practices and faith to bring everything together and rebuild your confidence. Being dependent on one social group, or one personality trait is highly risky, because when that tends to waiver, you may feel that your whole life is shaking. You must establish several pillars to hold the fort that is your life. 

Nursing your hurt heart is easier when you create and nurture a positive lifestyle and establish several pillars of support in your life that can fill in for each other.
Your spiritual activities and faith plays a huge role in keeping your mind stable and at peace

Healing your heart and living a healthy and happy life is easy when you have a great support system and a multi-faceted life. It keeps your relationships lighter and not so overburdened by the load of over expectations, and it makes you a great company to be around as you end up bringing a lot of variety to the mix, with lesser baggage to deal with. To heal fast, you need to reduce your dependence on others, but even if you have to, you can distribute the load. So, try this, my friends. Include more good things in your life and you will not be hurt easily. Even if you do, you will not fall apart easily. Even if you do, you will be picked up and put back together faster and far more easily.

Making a Choice to Manifest Your Best Life

By Neeti Paul Sethi

She came, she saw, she conquered.

This is a really old narrative…

Wanna hear a new one?

She was always here, she refused to see what others saw, and she secretly wished to conquer…her fears that is.

Life is divided into two aspects. 

Image and happiness

Some choose happiness over image and struggle in a world that judges their lack of achievement. Others choose image over happiness and struggle in a world that never stops to rest. Some are ambitious enough to strive for both but still end up struggling to strike a balance.

No matter what you choose, or what you prioritize, there will always be FOMO on what’s on the other side.

It takes courage to let go of something. Even if it’s the need to be seen, recognized, and acknowledged.

The need to be seen and the need to not be judged often coincide. How can we not be judged if we are seen? And how can we be seen fully if we don’t put ourselves out there, vulnerable and available for criticism?

While it takes courage to pick a side, not picking one doesn’t make life any easier.

So what I’m trying to say is, sometimes we are too focused on making the right decision. The truth is there might not be a right or wrong decision most of the time. We just have to pick a path. Being perfect and doing our best is a myth. Don’t fall for it. Just do what resonates with you. Obviously, ensure that it’s ethical and harmless. Some basic rules of social conduct need to be followed. But apart from being careful that you are not going to hurt the society or environment, you can never be too careful, too cautious. Every action has a consequence and no matter what you choose, you willingly or unknowingly sacrifice something else. 

This is how it works.

Inaction is also an action.

Not making a decision is also a decision. 

Not taking risks is also a risk you are willing to take.

No matter what you do (or not do), you are making a choice. 

Therefore, I cannot stress enough on the need to take charge and be accountable. That way instead of blaming others or your circumstances, you can be content in knowing that you did all you could. That’s called sportsman spirit. You play all the passes that life has handed you. You play your best hand. It may not be the best, but at that moment it’s your best. Maybe in a few years, you will handle the situation differently. There is no guarantee however that it will work out any better.

Never ridicule what you did in the first place. Embrace it. Accept it. Live it. Learn from it. Grow from it.

That’s what life is about. It always comes full circle. It always gives you another opportunity to choose things differently. And eventually, you will realize that most often you still don’t.

Even after all that experience and all that contemplation, very few actually change their pattern. Very few actually choose a different path when given another chance. And why should they? That’s who they probably are. Maybe that’s exactly how they want to live.

What may be desirable for one may not tempt the other. There is no standard path and one should not follow a template made by another or based on a social trend. It is important to notice the inward trend though. How every decision impacts your inner world. Does it break you or it pushes you to be better? And who is to say that either one is bad. Breaking gives an opportunity to be rebuilt. And pushing harder takes one to heights that were unimaginable once. 

I firmly believe that if we gotta get somewhere, we will get there. The pace may vary, the path may vary and companions may vary. But the destination is mostly static and we ultimately find a way.

The journey can not be linear, and most often one takes more steps backward than they take forward. Let’s not judge ourselves or others for not doing something a certain way or by a certain timeline. As long as you keep on doing something, as long as you keep moving, you will get there. 

So don’t be afraid to take a step. Whatever you choose, do it with full energy, enthusiasm, faith, and confidence. Embrace your decision and believe that it’s the right one. The universe will ensure that you get the best outcome or the best lesson. Either way, it’s a win-win. Make a choice and don’t double guess after locking it. After that, all you have to do is show up every day consistently and that’s enough. 

GURUKULS: The Education System that was Advanced & Cool!

Channeled & written by Nupur Gupta
Edited by Neeti Paul Sethi

The first school in England opened in 1811. At that point, India had 7,32,000 Gurukuls. The education system in India (then known as Hindustan) was much advanced even before organized education became popular in western countries.

Do you know how our Gurukuls were closed?

First, have a look at the curriculum in the Gurukul culture (also known as the Sanatan culture)!

Most Gurukuls taught the following subjects.

01 Agni Vidya (Metallurgy)
02 Vayu Vidya (Flight)
03 Water Education (Navigation)
04 Space Science
05 Prithvi Vidya (Environment)
06 Surya Vidya (Solar Study)
07 Chandra and Lok Vidya (Lunar Study)
08 Megh Vidya (Weather Forecast)
09 Substance Electric Education (Battery)
10 Solar Energy Vidya
11 Day/ night vidya
12 Srishti Vidya (Space Research)
13 Astronomy
14 Geography knowledge (Geography)
15 Kal Vidya (Time)
16 Geology Education (Geology Mining)
17 Gemstones and Metals (Gems & Metals)
18 Attraction Vidya (Gravity)
19 Prakash Vidya (Solar Energy)
20 Vidya (Communication)
21 Aircraft Vidya (Plane)
22 Jalayan Vidya (Water Vessels)
23 Agneya Astra Vidya (Arms & Ammunition)
24 Biology Sciences (Zoology Botany)
25 Yagna Vidya (Material Sic)

This is scientific education. Now let’s talk about professional and technical education!

26 Commerce
27 Agriculture
28 Animal husbandry
29 Bird Keeping
30 Animal Training
31 Yan Machine (Mechanics)
32 Chariot (Vehicle Designing)
33 Ratankar (Gems)
34 Gold Car (Jewellery Designing)
35 Clothing Man (Textile)
36 Pottery
37 Blacksmith (Metallurgy)
38 Takkas
39 Dying
40 Khatwakar
41 Rajjukar (Logistics)
42 Architect
43 Cuisine (Cooking)
44 Chariot (Driving)
45 River Manager (Water Management)
46 Indicators (Data Entry)
47 Cowshala Manager (Animal Husbandry)
48 Garden Tents (Horticulture)
49 Forest Pal (Horticulture)
50 Measured (Paramedical)

All these topics were covered in Gurukul, however with time, when Gurukul disappeared, this knowledge also disappeared! Today, the future of the youth of our country is being destroyed by the Macaulay method.

Macaulay surveyed the education system here (India), many Britishers had given their reports about India’s education system. One of the British officers was G.W. Luther and the other was Thomas Munro! Both of them had surveyed different areas at different times. Luther, who surveyed North India, wrote that it has a 97 % literacy rate and Munro, who surveyed South India, wrote that it has a 100% literacy rate.

How did Gurukul end in India? The introduction of Convent education ruined Gurukuls. Indian Education Act was formed in 1858. It was drafted by ‘Lord Macaulay’.

Macaulay had clearly said that if India is to be enslaved forever, its ′indigenous and cultural education system′ must be completely demolished and replaced with ′English education system′ and only then will Indians be physically Indians, but mentally become English. When they leave the convent schools or English universities, they will work in the interest of English men.

Macaulay stated “Just as a farm is thoroughly plowed before a crop is planted, so must it be plowed and brought in the English education system.”

That’s why he declared Sanskrit illegal and banned the Gurukuls of this country. He went around setting them on fire, beat the teachers in it, and put them in jail.

Till 1850 there were 7 lakh 32 thousand Gurukuls in this country and there were 7 lakh 50 thousand villages in India. Meaning about every village had a Gurukul and all these Gurukuls used to be ‘Higher Learning Institutes’ in today’s language. 18 subjects were taught in all of them and the people of Gurukul Samaj used to run these, not the king. Education was given free in Gurukuls.

This is how all Gurukuls were abolished and then English education was legalized and the first convent school opened in Calcutta. At that time it was called ‘free school’. Under this law, Calcutta University was created in India, Bombay University was created, Madras University was created, these three slavery-era universities are still in the country!

Macaulay had written a letter to his father. It is a very famous letter, in it, he writes: “These convent schools will bring out children who look like Indians but are English by the brain and they don’t know anything about their country. They won’t know anything about their culture, they won’t have any idea about their traditions, they will not know their idioms, when such children are there in this country, even if the British go away, English will not leave this country.”

The truth of the letter written at that time is clearly visible in this country even today. Notice the misery created by this act. We feel inferior and are ashamed to speak high of our own culture.

A society that is cut off from its mother tongue never gets good and this was Macaulay’s strategy! Which they have almost conquered because today’s youth knows more about Europe than India and considers Indian culture less cool, but imitates western culture proudly.

The redemption of Gurukul is required in today’s times. Not just for the free education, advanced knowledge, and localized access (which are all great reasons in itself!), but for the preservation of the Hindu culture and the wisdom it has already imparted eons ago, which researchers world over are rediscovering and patenting as their own. The entire world regards India (secretly or openly) as a sea of knowledge, wisdom, and a center for spirituality. While our youth fails to see the same due to the education system that was tweaked to support motives, not in our highest good.

Our tradition is a spiritual science with many wonders & advanced knowledge that we did not value. Spirituality is a richer science than the science we all know today.

We are born to enjoy life, the way it was given to us. Let us embrace our roots and learn to live happily, lovingly, and beautifully in Sumruddhi (Prosperity).

(* The information mentioned here is channeled & represents the writer’s viewpoint and knowledge. You are free to verify the facts yourself. )

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